Christian Unity in the Office of Readings

From today's Office of Readings

I was delighted to hear of your love of God, so well-ordered and devout, and so I decided to address you in the faith of Jesus Christ. Honoured as I am with a name of the greatest splendour, though I am still in chains I sing with the praises of the churches, and pray that they be united with the flesh and the spirit of Jesus Christ, who is our eternal life; a union in faith and love, to which nothing must be preferred; and above all a union with Jesus and the Father, for if in him we endure all the power of the prince of this world, and escape unharmed, we shall make our way to God.  (From the beginning of the Letter to the Magnesians by St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and doctor).

Today's Office of Readings really hit me.  I have been praying a lot about unity: in the world, in our communities, and in our families.  This all probably stems from preparing wedding homilies and other talks.  But it's been on my mind a lot lately.  Unity in the Church is so important.  It's something for which Jesus often prayed, and something that has been the concern of the Church ever since the apostles went out to make the Church happen.  I am praying a lot that where I have tendencies against unity, I will seek repentance and healing.  May we all at least be unified in our desire for unity.