O Sacred Lord

Today's readings

During the last days of Advent, from the 17th of December until Christmas Eve, we celebrate a very holy and sacred time. During this time our expectation of the Lord's return increases and we turn up the heat, as it were, on our call to repentance and renewal. Each of those days we sing one of the so-called "O Antiphons." These antiphons are titles of Jesus, and are used each day during Vespers, the official Evening Prayer of the Church. These antiphons are also immortalized in the familiar Advent hymn, "O Come, O come, Emmanuel" which we sang this morning.

Today, the antiphon is "O Sacred Lord." This Sacred Lord is not simply one who is out there, watching our every move, judging from afar. This transcendent Sacred Lord wished to become immanent and be born among us as our Gospel today proclaims. The only almighty Lord, who made the earth and sky and seas and all that is in them, who fashioned the heavens and the earth and breathed the breath of life into his creation, this Sacred Lord chooses to become one of us and be born among us. This Sacred Lord comes near so that we can know his salvation. This Sacred Lord has come to us to put things right, so that we can say with the Psalmist that "Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever."

Today, this Sacred Lord can be received in the Eucharist we now celebrate. This Sacred Lord can be the one who renews us all in his love and gives us a life filled with hope.

Come, O Sacred Lord. Come, Lord Jesus!