St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr

Today's readings

"Increase our faith," indeed! How often have you had that same reaction to the marvels of God happening in your life? I think about the many times I have had the Spirit point out something I should have seen all along because it was right there in front of my face. Increase my faith, I pray.

Because, as Jesus tells us today, there are many things that cause sin, and they will inevitably happen. But how horrible to be tangled up in them, right? Whether we've caused the occasion for sin, or have been the victim of it, what a tangled mess it is for us. Maybe we have made someone so angry that their response was sinful. Or perhaps we have neglected to offer help where it was needed and caused another person to find what they need in sinful ways. Or maybe we've said something scandalous or gossiped about another person and those who have overheard it have been brought to a lower place. None of that makes anyone involved happy; everyone ends up deficient in faith, hope and love in some way. The same is true if we were the ones to have fallen into the trap of an occasion of sin. Don't we just want to kick ourselves then?

This is what the Psalmist was talking about when he prayed, "Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way." Now, if those are the only words you utter in prayer some day, rest assured they are probably well-chosen. Maybe some days that's all you can manage. I'll translate it for you in an even shorter way: "HELP!" Because when we are tangled up in sin, or brought low by suffering of some kind, maybe those are the only words we can manage. But God hears those words and answers them, because we can never fall so far that we are out of God's reach. Listen to some more of the Psalmist's excellent words today:

Where can I go from your spirit?
From your presence where can I flee?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I sink to the nether world, you are present there.

Maybe we can all agree as our homework today to take out our Bibles and read Psalm 139 a few times. Because you never know when you're going to need these words of hope and confidence. Increase our faith, Lord, guide us in the everlasting way.