Fr. Pat’s Iced Coffee

Coffee Concentrate

1/2 pound Just Coffee Ice Coffee Blend, medium ground (buy it after Mass, first Sundays!)
5 cups water

Mix in a bowl, and let steep at room temperature, 12 hours.  Pour through a coffee filter and store in refrigerator, up to 2 weeks.

Fr. Pat's Iced Coffee

1 cup coffee concentrate, recipe above
1 1/2 cups cold water
1 cup milk (whatever kind you like)
1/2 cup French Vanilla coffee creamer (or whatever flavor you like)

Mix together in a pitcher, pour over ice.  Relax and enjoy, knowing that you are also helping small coffee grower cooperatives in developing nations to have a just standard of living.  Offer a prayer of thanks for their loving efforts to produce superior coffee that is organic and sustainable.

More information about fair trade products and Catholic social teaching.