Monday of the Seventh Week of Ordinary Time – Presidents’ Day

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Today’s readings So the disciples are waiting for Jesus to come down the mountain after the Transfiguration.  They have attempted to cure a man’s son from the hold of a demon, but they were apparently unable to do so.  This … Continued

The Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time: Complete Reversal!

posted in: Homilies, Ordinary Time | 0

Today’s readings So what’s wrong with being rich, full and not hungry, laughing, and having people speak well of you?  After all, God told us to go forth and fill the earth and subdue it, so attaining riches is really … Continued

Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Ordinary Time: Right Worship

posted in: Homilies, Ordinary Time | 0

Today’s readings Today’s readings are a call to right worship, to righteousness, or right relationship with God and others.  Worship of God, properly understood and properly performed, does not allow singing and praying and invoking God’s name in church and … Continued

The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time: Put Out Into Deep Water

posted in: Homilies, Ordinary Time | 0

Today’s readings “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” A command to do something, and a promise – that  is what happens in this early interaction Simon Peter has with Jesus.  And it had to … Continued