Thursday of the Fifth Week of Easter (Religious Education and Confirmation Program Closing Mass)

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Today’s readings In our first reading this evening, we have from the Acts of the Apostles a rather defining moment for the early Church.  Jesus hadn’t given them a precise rule book of how to make the Church develop: he simply … Continued

Saint Joseph the Worker

Today’s readings (I chose option 2 of the first readings.) In his encyclical, Laborem Exercens, Pope Saint John Paul II said, echoing the sentiments of the Second Vatican Council, “The word of God’s revelation is profoundly marked by the fundamental truth … Continued

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings There’s certainly a flurry of activity in today’s readings, isn’t there?  Especially in the Gospel, we see Mary Magdalene run from the empty tomb to get the Apostles.  And then Peter and the “disciple whom Jesus loved” ran … Continued

Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings I think if we had to sum up the Liturgy today with a contemporary quip, it might be, “Well, that escalated quickly!”  In the first Gospel we heard, during the blessing of the palms, Jesus triumphantly enters into Jerusalem … Continued