The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings One of the most basic spiritual principles is that the Christian life looks like something.  The Christian looks like something.  Perhaps we ought to change that to “looks like someone,” that someone of course being Jesus Christ. In the Liturgy … Continued

Monday of the Third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings This is a tough text from the Gospel today.  Jesus says that “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness…”  This seems to be an incongruous statement from Jesus, who came to be all about forgiveness.  … Continued

The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time: Sunday of the Word of God

Today’s ReadingsPope Francis’s “motu proprio” APERUIT ILLIS, instituting the Sunday of the Word of God About fifteen years ago now, my home parish put on a production of the musical Godspell, and somehow I found myself part of the cast.  If you’ve … Continued

Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

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Saint Francis de Sales was born in the Savoy region of France-Italy in 1567.  His priesthood had him work diligently for the restoration of Catholicism in his homeland, reclaiming it from the clutches of the protestant reformation.  He became bishop of Geneva, … Continued