Monday of the Thirtieth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings “Loose lips sink ships.”  That’s a saying that I learned somewhere in my early elementary school life.  I don’t think I fully understood what it meant at the time – all I appreciated was that it told me … Continued

The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings An often told, and completely correct, preaching of today’s Gospel reading about the healing of Bartimeus’s blindness would say that this story isn’t about hisblindness at all.  Yes, it tells of his physical blindness and healing by Jesus, … Continued

Saturday of the Twenty-eighth Week of Ordinary Time: Make a Difference Day

Today’s Readings Anything worthwhile costs us something, most especially our faith.  If we are serious about it, if we love God and want to be caught up in his life, we’re going to have to pay for it in some … Continued

St. Isaac Jogues, St. John de Brébeuf & Companions, Martyrs

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St. Isaac and St. John were among eight missionaries who worked among the Huron and Iroquois Indians in the New World in the seventeenth century. They were devoted to their work and were accomplishing many conversions. The conversions, though, were … Continued

The Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings If you’ve been to any number of Church weddings, you have probably heard today’s first reading, and part of the Gospel proclaimed.  Obviously we usually leave out the part about divorce, but these readings are quite popular for … Continued

The Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time: Would that all of the people of the LORD were prophets!

Today’s readings Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets! Would that the LORD might bestow his spirit on them all! When we think about prophets and prophecy, I think our minds always take us to ancient days. … Continued