Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent
Today’s readings You’ve all heard the saying, “There are ten commandments, not ten suggestions.” Jesus comes to us to say today that the commandments are all still in effect. Why? Because those commandments lead us to God. The first three … Continued
Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent
Today’s readings Have you ever felt like you were certainly in the fire? Things in life may have gone from bad to worse. When we’re in those times of life, sometimes we know that the reason for it is that … Continued
Monday of the Third Week of Lent
Today’s readings “No prophet is accepted in his own native place.” It struck me today that the prophet’s own native place is in our hearts. It is to those hearts that the prophet speaks, urging us to action for our … Continued
Saturday of the Second Week of Lent
Today's readings The word "prodigal" means incredibly, perhaps even wastefully, extravagant. So it has been argued that today's Gospel should really be called the Parable of the Prodigal Father. The story isn't about the son – neither son actually – … Continued
Friday of the second Week of Lent
Today’s readings The great visionaries of our faith have often been rejected. Joseph, the prophets, and Jesus of course – all of these have been rejected by the people of power, even by their own families in some cases. If … Continued
Thursday of the Second Week of Lent
Today’s readings And someone, of course, did rise from the dead – Jesus himself. And many among the scribes and Pharisees remained unpersuaded. The Kingdom of God demands trust in God, not in human beings. Our own resources are laughable … Continued
Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent
Today’s readings Servant leadership is a key concept for all disciples. As we go off to our work today, we will be called upon to be leaders in any number of ways. At work, with subordinates as well as coworkers … Continued
Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent
Today’s readings Lent is a time to make all things new. And the first thing that has to be changed is our hearts. We are sinners, every one of us. We know that. But sometimes we act as though we … Continued
Monday of the Second Week of Lent
Today’s readings That whole notion of the measure that we used being used to measure us is a little scary, I think. How often do we fail to give people a break? How often do we forget that the person … Continued
Second Sunday of Lent
Today’s readings “Seeing is believing,” or so they say. It’s not an entirely accurate saying, either. The real definition of faith, as St. Paul reminds us in his writings, is that faith is believing in spite of the fact that … Continued
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