St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Today’s readings | Today’s Saint [Mass for the School Children] Today we celebrate the feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Elizabeth was the daughter of the king of Hungary, and she married Louis IV of Thuringia when she was fourteen … Continued
Thursday of the 32nd Week of Ordinary Time
Today’s readings One of the things that has helped me in my spiritual life is the knowledge that “we’re not home yet.” We can list all kinds of things, I’m sure, that remind us that this life in this world … Continued
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time: We never see the widow
Today’s readings The thing is, we never see the widow. There are widows in both the first reading and today’s Gospel and neither story describes the widow. We don’t know what she’s wearing, if she’s tall or short, nothing at … Continued
St. Martin of Tours and Veterans Day
Today’s readings | Today’s feast “Blessed is the one who fears the Lord.” St. Martin of Tours is a fitting saint to intercede for veterans today. He himself was a soldier and served his country faithfully. After a time, he … Continued
The Dedication of St. John Lateran
Today's readings | Today's feast The Church is a reality that is at the same time concrete and experiential and heavenly and eternal. The concrete structures of it are the nuts and bolts that make it work. The building itself, … Continued
Tuesday of the 31st Week of Ordinary Time
Today’s readings Back in the days of Jesus, if someone was going to give a big party, preparations needed to be made a very long time in advance. Invitations could not just be photocopied and mailed, or even emailed; no, … Continued
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time: You are God; I am not
Today's Readings You are God; I am not. I was once told that those six words are perhaps the most important prayer a person could ever have. You are God; I am not. The whole point of any prayer in … Continued
Diakonia: An anniversary
Before this day is over, I just wanted to reflect that today is the one-year anniversary of my ordination as a transitional deacon. I was ordained to that order on November 4, 2005, on the feast of St. Charles Borromeo … Continued
Friday of the 30th Week of Ordinary Time: Thank you!
Today’s readings Some days it may be harder to know this than others days, but every person in our lives is a gift to us from God. St. Paul knew both sides of that, to be sure. He had days … Continued
The Commemmoration of all the Faithful Departed
Today’s Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13 | Today’s feast I think this Gospel reading is kind of weird to our modern ear. This whole notion of virgins with lamps speaks to us of very strange customs that have long since been forgotten. … Continued
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