Tuesday of the 25th Week of Ordinary Time: Simplicity of Life
Today's readings My mother and my brothersare those who hear the word of God and act on it. We should be careful not to take this as Jesus downplaying the importance of Mary. We know that he deeply cared for … Continued
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time: It’s all about kenosis
Today's readings In some ways, it's the classic schoolyard disagreement. "My dad can beat up your dad." Or, even better, maybe it's the classic sibling rivalry: "Mom likes me best." These things are sort of understandable among children. Children growing … Continued
Friday of the 24th Week of Ordinary Time: Women of Faith
Today’s Readings What would happen if Christ never rose from the dead? Well, I doubt we would be here today, because as important as Christ’s living and preaching was, it is the Resurrection that gives meaning to it all. This … Continued
St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
Today’s readings I often wish that I could see in people the same things that Jesus sees. Obviously, Matthew was not qualified for the role of apostle, but he was called anyway. Matthew was, as we know, a tax collector. … Continued
The Prophets: So What?
A lecture given to the St. Raphael Church CREEDS Bible Study Wednesday, September 20, 2006 Readings: Isaiah 6:1-13 | Matthew 23:1-15, 29-39 The prophets were all very strange men, it seems. Probably the reaction to them was a little like … Continued
Good heavens…
Ss. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang & Companions, Martyrs
Today’s Feast | Today’s readings Korea was introduced to Christianity in the late 1500s when some Koreans were baptized, probably by Christian Japanese soldiers who invaded Korea at that time. It was not until the late 1700s that a priest … Continued
Tuesday of the 24th Week of Ordinary Time: Unity does not mean same-ness
Today’s readings In today’s first reading, St. Paul speaks to the Corinthian community about the necessity and source of unity. He lists several gifts that people in the community have and then speaks how they all work together to form … Continued
Let Us Pray
This afternoon I got a voice mail from the local paper asking for my comment on the Pope’s statement that has angered Muslims. I’m so not going there. I liked what Cafeteria Catholic said to do. So let us pray… … Continued
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today’s readings One of the things I have always enjoyed is reading a good mystery novel. My mother was a big fan of mysteries, especially Agatha Christie, and she passed the love for that on to me as I was … Continued
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