The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

posted in: Christmas, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings “Everyone is upset about this.” “Everyone agrees with this.” “Everyone says we should do it this way.” If you’re in any position of leadership, you have probably heard someone tell you something like this. Anytime I hear it, … Continued

The Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings So we’ve taken down most of the Christmas decorations, and we won’t see the poinsettias and manger until next year.  Yet we’re not quite done with the Christmas season in the Church.  Traditionally, some aspects of Christmas joy … Continued

Tuesday of the First Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings It is always interesting to me how clearly the unclean spirits know who Jesus is.  For them, Christ our God inspires fear and rebellion.  But even these unclean spirits, hearing his voice, begrudgingly obey.  Jesus teaches with authority, … Continued

Friday after Epiphany

posted in: Christmas, Homilies | 0

Today’s readingsThis was for the school children. How many of you have already taken down your Christmas decorations?  I think probably a lot of people have done that.  Probably if you go to some of the stores, you’ll see Valentine’s day decorations … Continued