The Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings If you’ve been to any number of Church weddings, you have probably heard today’s first reading, and part of the Gospel proclaimed.  Obviously we usually leave out the part about divorce, but these readings are quite popular for … Continued

The Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time – Bread of Life Discourse V: So What?

Today’s readings “So what?”  That’s perhaps the most important question of the spiritual life.  Maybe it’s even the most important question of life, period.  Because after we have all taken time to absorb the information around us, after we have … Continued

Saturday of the Eighth Week of Ordinary Time: My Soul is Thirsting

Today’s readings Jude, perhaps the relative of Jesus and James (not James the apostle!), writes some words of exhortation in today’s first reading. He calls on his hearers to build themselves up in the faith, and show that by extending mercy … Continued

Monday of the Eighteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings What I think the folks in our first reading need to learn – and maybe us too – is that the spiritual life is always about the big picture.  The Israelites in today’s reading have completely rejected the … Continued