The Israelites wandering in the desert would seem to have had the spiritual life easy. How could they possibly miss God’s presence? There was a cloud to lead them to the Lord by day, and fire by night. But just like the stuff that ended up in the net in today’s Gospel, some people got it and some people didn’t.
The same is true for us. How hard can it be for us to see the Lord’s presence in our own lives? Even now, some people get it and some people don’t. And more than that, even the faithful among us sometimes get it and sometimes don’t. I often think it would be good to have something as hard to miss as a column of cloud or fire to keep me on the straight and narrow. Well, in a way – a much better way, actually – we do: we have the Church, the Sacraments, and the Word of God, prayer that beckons us by day and by night. But even that doesn’t always light the way for us. There are so many distractions.
The issue is urgent. The Kingdom of heaven, Jesus tells us today, will be like the fishmongers sorting out the fish from the seaborne refuse. We don’t want to get thrown out with all that vile stuff. So, may God lead us all to be among those who get it, those who follow the way marked out for us. After all, we have something way better than clouds by day and fire by night, don’t we?
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