Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter

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Today’s readings “Do you love me more than these?” It’s a question that cuts to the heart.  Peter had just betrayed his friendship with Jesus and his commitment to the Gospel by denying his Lord not once, but three times: … Continued

The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings Traditionally, today is Laetare Sunday – laetare being the Latin word for “rejoice.” On this Sunday, we wear rose-colored vestments, rather than the Lenten violet.  Laetare Sunday reminds us that even in the “heaviness” of Lent, there is reason for rejoicing.  And today’s readings … Continued

The Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings “Wrath and anger are hateful things, yet the sinner hugs them tight.”  So says the wisdom-writer Sirach in today’s first reading.  His words set up well the Gospel today, and the overall emphasis of forgiveness as a powerful tool for … Continued