The Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings “Well done, my good and faithful servant.  Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities.  Come, share your master’s joy.” I always like to joke that that’s how I ended up being the … Continued

Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter

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Today’s readings “Do you love me more than these?” It’s a question that cuts to the heart.  Peter had just betrayed his friendship with Jesus and his commitment to the Gospel by denying his Lord not once, but three times: … Continued

The Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Here’s something I want you to remember today, and cling to in your spiritual life: We can’t do anything good in our spiritual lives all by ourselves.  We can’t be perfect disciples all by ourselves.  We can’t bring other people … Continued

The Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings There’s a principle in the spiritual life known in Greek as kenosis.  Nobody likes to talk about it.  It’s nicer to talk about the consolations of prayer and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and things like that.  But … Continued