The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Jesus’ ministry on earth was all about healing.  Indeed, that’s what he came to do: to heal us, set things right, from the inside out, so that we would be able to enter the Kingdom.  In today’s gospel, he heals … Continued

The Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Today I want to reflect on what I consider to be one of the most important principles of the spiritual life.  That principle is completely summed up in one short sentence: “It’s not about me.” Over the last … Continued

Monday of the Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings In today’s readings, God proves himself trustworthy, yet again. He appears to Jacob in a dream and promises that he will be with him wherever he goes, protecting him, and bringing him back to the land, which he … Continued

Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings “Do you love me more than these?” It’s a question that cuts to the heart.  Peter had just betrayed his friendship with Jesus and his commitment to the Gospel by denying his Lord not once, but three times: … Continued

Friday after Epiphany

posted in: Christmas, Homilies | 0

Today’s readingsThis was for the school children. How many of you have already taken down your Christmas decorations?  I think probably a lot of people have done that.  Probably if you go to some of the stores, you’ll see Valentine’s day decorations … Continued