Tag: hemorrhagic woman

  • The Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

    The Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    My absolute favorite line from this Gospel reading is, “Then he put them all out.”  I can just imagine Jesus going into the house, encountering the mourners, seeing the lack of faith in all of them, and saying “Go on!  Get outta here!  I’ve got work to do!”  Or at least that’s how I’d say it!

    It might be a funny little line, but I think it makes a significant point, and sums up the point made by the Liturgy of the Word we have for today.  Faith is necessary in our relationship with God and in receiving God’s blessings and in living the life for which he has created us.  Those incredulous mourners were symptomatic of a people who had abandoned hope of God’s interest in them.  They were so abused by the scrupulous religious establishment, that they didn’t really even know God, nor did they believe that God cared about them.  So all that was left for them was to mourn, because, as far as they knew, there was nothing for which to look forward.  The only thing Jesus could do, then, was to put them out of the house, so that he could respond to the faith of Jairus, the synagogue official, the father of the girl, who had called Jesus to come.  

    That’s not so different from the situation with the woman who somewhat detained Jesus on the way to Jairus’s house.  This poor woman had placed her faith in “many doctors,” who apparently did nothing but increase her suffering.  She seems to have had a stirring of faith, or maybe it was even a last ditch effort, a “Hail Mary,” if you will, and that leads her to touch the garment of Jesus as he passes by.  She makes an act of faith: “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.”  And in this humble act of faith, in which she undoubtedly hopes to go unnoticed, she finds that no act of faith is ever unnoticed by Our Lord.  Even though the disciples laugh at him for wanting to know who in the pressing crowd touched him, Jesus, who surely already knew who it was, acknowledges this woman of faith and responds to that act of faith.

    “God did not make death,” as the wisdom author in our first reading tells us.  And because he did not make death, he has given us faith as a remedy for its effects on our lives.  Maybe we won’t be miraculously cured like the hemorrhagic woman, and maybe we won’t be raised from the dead like the daughter of Jairus.  But we absolutely will experience resurrection and new life when we join ourselves to Christ who has triumphed over death.  That experience requires faith, and we must make it our constant care to exercise that faith, live that faith, and to “put out” of our lives any negativity, any dependence on worldly remedies, anything, really, that interferes with that faith.  Each of us must be absolutely willing to “put them all out” and react in faith to all that God wants to do in our lives.  Because our lives depend on it.  They really do.

    And we can have that faith every day, because Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

  • Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Ordinary Time

    Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    There is a lot of anguish in the readings today, isn’t there?  Most markedly is the anguish of King David, mourning the death of his son Absalom.  His anguish was most surprising to his army, because they had been fighting Absalom’s thugs who were helping him to overthrow the government of David.  But even though Absalom was seeking his father’s life, Absalom is still his son, and his death is no occasion for joy.

    Then there is the anguish of Jairus, the synagogue official, whose daughter was near death when he reached out to Jesus.  It becomes more distressing when, on the way to heal his daughter, they are confronted with the anguish of the hemorrhagic woman, who had been suffering for twelve years, at “the hands of many doctors,” who had apparently done nothing for her but take her money.  Knowing that he had healed someone, he stopped to reach out to her so as to heal her spirit.  All of which becomes even more distressing as they reach Jairus’s daughter, who has just died.

    But Jesus is the enemy of death and anguish, so he heals the hemorrhagic woman, he raises the daughter of Jairus with a word of command, and he teaches us the essential truth that faith is essential to healing.  David had faith and poured out his heart to God in our psalm today, and was eventually given peace.  Jairus had faith, and found out that death is not more powerful than God.  The hemorrhagic woman had faith and found that God’s love can bind up the wounds of so many years.

    Whatever our anguish is today, may we bring it to God, trusting as David did: “For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in kindness to all who call upon you.”