Ash Wednesday and Saint Valentine

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Today’s readings Saint Valentine was a clergyman who lived in the third century.  A martyr, he was beheaded on February 14 in the year 369. Before this, he had been condemned to death for evangelizing.  But the pagan judge gave … Continued

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings And so it begins.  We who have been keeping Lent these forty days are coming to Lent’s fulfillment.  We know it’s been a most interesting and, well, different Lent.  I mean, that’s about the best we can say of it, right?  I keep thinking … Continued

Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent / Saint Patrick

posted in: Homilies, Lent, Saints | 0

Today’s readings I used to be upset that Saint Patrick’s Day always happened during Lent.  I’d have to postpone the celebration of my favorite saint until Sunday, especially if it fell on a Friday, because we just didn’t have corned … Continued

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings Traditionally, today is Laetare Sunday – laetare being Latin for “rejoice.” Sometimes this Sunday is celebrated by the wearing of rose-colored vestments, rather than the Lenten violet.  Laetare Sunday reminds us that even in the “heaviness” of Lent, there is reason for rejoicing. … Continued

Thursday of the Second Week of Lent: Letting Go of Passing Things

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings I’m going to say something that is probably going to make you think I’m wrong. And that is that the great sin of the rich man was not the sin of neglecting poor Lazarus. Sure, that was certainly … Continued