The Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Some of us on the Liturgy staff were reflecting in the last couple of weeks that it’s nice to be in Ordinary Time.  The wonderful feast days and solemnities of the year are great, and we love them, but … Continued

The Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time: It’s Not About Me

Today’s readings Today I want to reflect on what I consider to be one of the most important principles of the spiritual life.  That principle is completely summed up in one short sentence: “It’s not about me.” Over the last … Continued

The Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings So Jesus’ ministry is ramping up into full gear. In order to prepare the places he intends to visit, he sends out seventy-two disciples, in pairs, to prepare the way. They are going to do some of the … Continued

Friday of the Twenty-fourth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Today we get a bit of a glimpse as to how Jesus’ day-to-day ministry worked.  We can see three things in particular that characterize how things happened.  First, he journeyed to proclaim the Good News.  He met people … Continued