This is it. With today’s Liturgy, we enter solemnly into Holy Week, in which unfold the great mysteries of our faith. Right up front, we see two very dramatic moments in the life of Christ, moments that, quite honestly, seem so very opposed to one another. As we begin, we travel with Jesus to Jerusalem. This has been his destiny, and he enters the holy city not unaware of what is to unfold. So he enters the city with great pomp and ceremony, with people laying their cloaks on the road, riding in on a beast of burden. The people cry out in “hosannas,” their hope for the messianic fulfillment of the promises of God at fever pitch.
But it doesn’t take long for the story to take an ugly turn. Just five chapters into Matthew later, the people have had quite enough of Jesus, thank you very much, and can’t yell for him to be crucified loudly enough. Their messianic hope had indeed come, but they missed its significance. Their hope had dawned, but it didn’t look the way they thought it would, so they rejected it. Maybe they felt a little like the Psalmist today, crying out, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
What happens next is almost too horrible to see, almost too horrific to call to mind. Jesus, after being beaten nearly to death and carrying the heavy burden of the cross through the streets of the city, is nailed to that cross and dies there, humiliated and beaten. And we can’t look at it, can we? How awful. How painful. We live in an age where there is a pill for every minor pain and a treatment for every discomfort. And so something like the Cross is almost too much.
But the Cross is an in-your-face reminder that pain is part and parcel of our life of salvation. Jesus did not come to take away our pain, he came to redeem it. Not only that, he came to take it on himself. Far from being embarrassed by our sin and pain, Jesus took it to the cross, redeeming our brokenness, and leaving us an everlasting promise that there is no pain too great for our God to bear and there is no way we can ever fall so far that our God can’t reach us. Jesus took our every hurt, our every pain, our every sin, our every shame, our every resentment, our every emptiness, and left them all there at the foot of the Cross. No wonder the Cross is so hard for us to look at.
I know there are many among us now who are carrying pain with them each day. Maybe it’s unconfessed sin, or maybe it’s a broken relationship. Maybe it’s the sadness of the illness or death of a loved one. Maybe it’s the splintering of a family. Maybe it’s a hurt that goes back to childhood, or a frightening diagnosis about an illness. Maybe it’s difficulty with a job or career, or trouble in a marriage. Maybe it’s a loneliness that can’t seem to be shaken. For all of us who are hurting in any way, all we have to do is look at the Cross and realize that there is nothing our God won’t do for us. No, it’s not pretty, and God may not take away our pain right away, but he will never ever leave us alone in it. In fact, he helps us bear it, and ultimately, he will raise us up out of it. As we enter this Holy Week, we are reminded gently that the cross, while significant, is not the end of the story. Yes, we have to suffer our own Good Fridays; but we confidently remember that we also get an Easter Sunday. And that is what gives us all the confidence to take up our cross and journey on.
These are not ordinary days – they are not for business as usual. I invite you all to enter into these Holy Days with passion, with prayerfulness and in faith. Gather with us on Holy Thursday at 7:00pm to celebrate the giving of the Eucharist and the Priesthood, and the call to service that comes from our baptism. On Good Friday at 3:00 in the afternoon, we will have the opportunity once again to reflect on the Passion, to venerate the cross that won our salvation, and to receive the Eucharist, which is our strength. Finally, at 8:00 on Holy Saturday night, we will gather outside on the piazza to keep vigil for the resurrection we have been promised. We will hear stories of our salvation, we will celebrate our baptism rejoicing in the victory of Christ over sin and death. No Catholic should ever miss the celebrations of these Holy Days, for these days truly sustain our daily living and give us the grace to take up our little crosses day by day.
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