Tuesday of the Thirty-third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Well, the story we started to hear in yesterday’s first reading about Israel has festered a bit.  You may remember yesterday that king Antiochus Epiphanes began to lead the people to follow the ways of the Gentiles: covering … Continued

Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings The spiritual life, almost by definition, isn’t easy.  Today’s readings prove it.  In our first reading, Jacob wrestles with “some man,” who turns out to be God himself.  They tussle all day long and finally declare a draw, … Continued

Friday of the Seventeenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings What kinds of mighty deeds is the Lord Jesus trying to do in our own lives? Is he finding success there, or have we put up obstacles through our own lack of faith? Today we celebrate a Votive … Continued