St. Bonaventure is known for his theological writings with regard to holiness. He was chosen to be minister general of the Franciscan Order in 1257, and devoted himself to bringing the Order to a closer living of the principles of St. Francis. This was especially important to him, since he was cured of a serious illness as a child through the prayers of St. Francis himself. Bonaventure is known for his writings, which are very close to a kind of mysticism, even though he was a very active preacher and teacher, and not a strict contemplative as you might expect a mystic to be.
Bonaventure’s life and faith is a great witness to us, because it is our life’s vocation to make our working and our prayer one seamless garment. In today’s Gospel, Jesus wishes to reveal the Father to us, very often through the work of great saints like Bonaventure. May we have that childlike faith today that is open to the Father, through Jesus, and through the saints.
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