A Very Sad Day

Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us
I’d like to ask you all to keep our community at Mundelein in your prayers. Early this morning, four of our seminarians were involved in a serious, tragic car accident, on our campus. I don’t know all the details yet, and I probably don’t want to know. But one of them was killed, another underwent head trauma surgery at a nearby trauma center, another underwent some surgery on his arm, and the fourth was physically unhurt. But he was the driver, so there are other hurts to deal with, obviously.

M, the seminarian who was killed, and I were good friends. He and I directed our contemporary choir together in the spring quarter last year. He was young, enthusiastic, committed to the faith, a talented musician, outgoing and a lot of fun to be with. I can’t imagine this place without him.

R, the driver, was the director of the contemporary choir except for the spring quarter last year, when he was on internship. A very talented musician, he and I also shared similar ecclesiologies, so I’ve been close to him as well. We don’t know if he will be returning to the seminary.

I’m hurting a whole lot right now. I haven’t been this sad in quite a long time, and I’ve been through a lot of stuff. Please pray for me, pray for our community, pray for M, R and the others.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.

Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray for us.