St. Jerome

Today’s readings

“But you, go and proclaim the Kingdom of God.”

These are the words that Jesus speaks to one of the crowd following him today.  Get your priorities straight and set out doing the ministry you have been called to do.  These are words that St. Jerome took to heart.  He immersed his entire life into the Sacred Scriptures, living for a time in the cave thought to be the birthplace of Jesus, going to the Holy Land to get to know the context of the Scriptures.  He certainly proclaimed the Kingdom of God, translating the Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek into Latin, creating what came to be known as the Vulgate edition.  His work is still an important basis for today’s modern translations, and his commentaries are extremely well-respected to this day.  We too are told to go and proclaim the Kingdom of God in our own way, perhaps not knowing the Scriptures as well as St. Jerome, but loving them none the less.