The celebration of the archangels is a chance for us to see heaven touching earth. The Psalmist says today, “In the presence of the angels I will sing your praise; I will worship at your holy temple and give thanks to your name.” And that’s the whole point of our life of faith, after all, for heaven and earth to touch, for us to be caught up in that heavenly worship where we can look on our Lord who made us for himself. Today, we are thankful for the angels who help us to worship; for Michael who keeps security forces safe; for Gabriel who watches over communications and helps us to proclaim the word; and for Raphael who shepherds travelers and the blind. Today you are likely to see heaven touching earth here at Mass, or in a quiet moment of prayer, or playing with your children, or visiting a sick friend. Wherever and whenever you experience that joy; take a moment to rejoice with the angels and sing God’s praise.
Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels