Saturday of the Second Week of Easter

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Today’s readings

There are a lot of what are called “clickbait” articles out there on the internet.  Those are headlines that make you curious to click on the link and read the story.  Often they are enormously disappointing in terms of their content.  They are headlines like “I drank nothing but seltzer water for a year and this is what happened.” Or, “This is what happens to your brain when you think positive thoughts for a month.” Things like that.

If there were a clickbait story about today’s readings it might be, “This is what happens when you choose to trust in God.”  Only the content wouldn’t be disappointing!

In the first reading from Acts this morning, we see the Christian community growing and thriving, so much so that they have some little growing pains.  Their worship included a distribution of food to those in need, people like widows.  In order to make sure that there was equality in the distribution, the Apostles realized they needed to appoint people to help with that detail so they could focus on preaching the word.  The result was discernment and ordination of the first group of what we would call deacons, including Saint Stephen.  And overcoming that growing pain, the community continued to thrive.

In the Gospel today, the Apostles are being called to greater trust.  They’re out on the sea in the midst of a storm when it was getting dark, and they begin to be afraid.  They see someone out walking on the water, which is, admittedly, pretty scary, but the figure tells them not to be afraid, because it is the Lord.  The boat immediately arrives at the shore and they are delivered from their fear.

We too are called to greater trust.  The storms in our lives and the growing pains of our families or communities threaten to derail our faith.  But when we trust in the Lord, we are delivered from our fear and we grow and thrive.  May we pray wit the Psalmist today: “Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you.”

Because Christ is risen.  He is risen indeed.  Alleluia.