In our Gospel today, we hear about the end of Saint John the Baptist’s life. Herod’s wife, Herodias, held a grudge against John because he opposed their marriage. So she schemed to end his life, as if snuffing out the messenger could ever possibly snuff out the Truth. Saint John the Baptist was one who lived his entire life pointing the way to the Lord. With every fiber of his being, and until his last breath, he gave praise to God.
Pointing others to the Lord, even at great personal cost, is the role of disciples, which includes you and me. We should always give praise to God and point others to him. At our best, we should be an Assembly of holy people, helping all the world to find our God. Whatever we do, and wherever we are, people should see Jesus in us. In fact, we might be the only Jesus someone sees. Let’s never get in the way of that.
In the quiet times of Mass and of our day, let’s spend some time thinking about how we might point to Jesus for the people God puts in our path today, and ask God to give us the grace to do it.