Saint John Chrysostom

Today’s readings St. John Chrysostom was known to be a prolific, well-spoken and challenging preacher. The name “Chrysostom” means “golden-mouthed.” He spoke eloquently of the Scriptures, of which he had an extensive understanding, and applied their words to the times … Continued

The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary time [C]

Today’s readings Jesus tells us some things about discipleship today that, quite honestly, I think might make a person think twice about becoming a disciple.  The first two come right at the beginning of the gospel reading: “If anyone comes … Continued

Wednesday of the Twenty-second Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Saint Paul reminds us today that we are God’s co-workers, God’s field, God’s building.  He is constantly creating and re-creating the world through the work of the Holy Spirit.  He may be planting the seed of something great … Continued