St. Nicholas, Bishop
Today’s readings Well, did you all put your shoes outside your door for St. Nicholas to fill? I was going to do that, but I have such big feet, I didn’t want Fr. Ted to trip over them and fall … Continued
“For the love of Christ impels us…” (2 Cor. 5:14) |
Today’s readings Well, did you all put your shoes outside your door for St. Nicholas to fill? I was going to do that, but I have such big feet, I didn’t want Fr. Ted to trip over them and fall … Continued
Today's readings As we look forward in hope during these Advent days, we find that we can hope in our God who will provide for our needs. I know that I've always been inspired by people who so completely trust … Continued
One of my favorite Advent carols.
Today’s readings “He will come in glory to judge the living and the dead.” Does that sound familiar? Of course it does; it is from the first part of the Creed. Of that beautiful phrase, Pope Benedict says, “From the … Continued
Happy New Year. New year of grace, of course…
Today's readings | Today's saint[Mass for the school children.] Today we celebrate the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle. Is anyone here named Andrew? If so, this is your special feast day. But it is also a feast day for … Continued
Today’s readings Two are being asked to speak on behalf of their faith today. The first is Daniel, who was asked by King Belshazzar to interpret the handwriting on the wall. (You’ve heard that expression “I can read the writing … Continued
Today’s readings You know, every time we hear this story about the widow’s mite, the story is equated with the call to stewardship. That’s the classic explanation of the text. And there’s nothing wrong with that explanation. I might even … Continued
Today’s readings I have to admit that this solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King is a funny feast with which to end our Church year. First of all, we Americans don’t get the whole king thing. The monarchical … Continued
Today’s readings Well, with Thanksgiving yesterday, we’ve taken a bit of a break from the readings we have had all week from the book of Maccabees. Today we rejoin the story but it seems things are quite different. On Monday, … Continued
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