Category: Prayer

  • Saturday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

    Saturday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    How willing are we to wait on the Lord to give us what we need? I think that’s the pivotal question that we have in today’s Liturgy of the Word.

    In the case of Adam and Eve, that willingness was short-circuited by the cunning temptation of the serpent. We heard about that yesterday in the first reading. The couple, seduced by the serpent, ate from the tree of good and evil, having been promised that it would make them like God. There are two ironies in this little encounter. First, becoming like God was what Satan always wanted. That was what caused him to fall from heaven and lose the promise of grace. So Satan wants to take as many of us with him as he can, and that was why he tempted our first parents, and continues to assail us. Second, our real destiny is to be wrapped up in the life of God. That is the grace that he sent Jesus to bring us: Jesus became like us so that we could become like him. All they had to do was wait on God and God would give them everything they needed. But instead, tempted by the serpent, they grasped at what they didn’t need and what wasn’t of God, all to become like God, which was what God wants to give us anyway. What a mess.

    In the Gospel reading today, Jesus tests the disciples to see if they can trust God to give them what they need. The crowd had been with him now for three days, and of course they were hungry: Jesus had pity on them and wanted to feed them. But the disciples argue: “Where can anyone get enough bread to satisfy them here in this deserted place?” Jesus always intended to feed the crowd, but he was wanting to see if the disciples trusted in him that way. They were still learning. So he takes what they have – a minuscule offering in the face of so much hunger – and does what he was always going to do: provide a feast that was enough, and more than enough to feed that hungry crowd.

    The thing is, God wants to do so much in us and for us and with us. But I think we mess it up by trying to do everything ourselves. God is faithful, and he keeps his promises. We may have to wait for his time, but God is always wanting to act for our Good, as long as we are ready to accept that and accept his time table. Let’s pray for the grace to trust God and his timing to give us what we need.

  • Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

    Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    “Blessed are those who fear the Lord,” the Psalmist tells us today. And today as our example of those who fear the Lord, we have two women. And we begin with the creation of the first woman. God has created all the creatures of the earth: land, water and air, yet none of these are found to be a suitable partner for him. And so it takes a new creative act of God, putting the man to sleep – putting things on pause for a moment. The only suitable partner for the man had to be someone who was made of his same flesh, and so one of his ribs is taken to form the basis of the woman. How significant it is that his partner is made from a bone right next to his heart! And only with this astounding new creation is all of creation complete. In the present, the work of creation goes on all the time, of course, largely because man and woman were created to participate in that creation together with their Creator.

    The second woman we meet today is the Syrophoenician woman. She is a woman of great faith – persistent faith, even! Not only does she want Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter, but she is convinced that he is the only one that can make it happen. Her faith and her persistence give us a model for our spiritual lives. For us disciples, a strong faith in Christ means never questioning his ability to act for our good, and never letting anything – not even the technicalities of a perceived mission – get in the way of acting on that faith. We too are called to steadfast faith, and persistent prayer.

    The Nuptial Blessing from the Rite of Marriage prays for the bride: “May she always follow the example of the holy women whose praises are sung in the scriptures.” There are many such wonderful examples, of course, and today’s are just two of them. They give all of us a shining example of what our faith should be like. May all of us – women and men! – follow their example.

  • The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”

    A command to do something, and a promise – that is what happens in this early interaction Simon Peter has with Jesus. And it had to be exasperating for Simon, because, as he says, they’ve been hard at it all night long and their efforts were fruitless. They’re tired, they’re frustrated, and possibly even a little embarrassed and scared because this was their life’s work and by the accounts we have in the Gospels, they weren’t doing very well. But something in the command, and in the person of Jesus, convinced him to lower the nets. And Jesus makes good on the promise that came with the command: they netted a catch, and not just any catch, but a big enough catch to fill two boats beyond capacity. A command, and a promise fulfilled.

    “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”

    If you get the idea that we’re not just talking about fish here, you’re catching on, so to speak. Putting out into deep water is a command we could all use to take a bit more seriously. Because I think we all settle for looking around on the shallow end, and honestly, we don’t find much of anything in shallow water. Here’s the shallow water that I think we spend our time in way too often: binge watching television shows; doom-scrolling on the internet; getting our news off of questionable sources on the internet and television and believing them like they were the holy Gospels; accepting our eighth grade catechesis and faith formation and never engaging it at an adult level; insisting on our own way in personal relationships, loving our sins, and tuning out the world in such a way that we never have to grow in our humanity. And that’s a short list. It’s shallow water, and if we are honest, we all look for our food there way too often in our lives.

    Today, Jesus invites not just Simon and the others, but also us: “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”

    If Simon could fish in the deep water after a long night of the same old nothing happening, we too can accept our Lord’s invitation to go deep and expect a catch too. I think this is something worth looking at. As I mentioned, you can almost hear the exasperation in Peter’s voice: “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing…” They have given up. All they wanted to do was go home, clean up, and call it a day. But I think it’s not just that they have given up on that day’s catch. They have given up completely. They have failed to make a catch more than once, and they may have given up hope that there were any fish to be caught.

    Are we in that place too? The world is crazy and upside-down, and the day’s news can be amazingly disheartening. Crime rages in our cities and nobody has a worthwhile solution. I keep waiting for someone to write a book called No Suspects Are In Custody, because no one even wants to risk helping anyone or being part of a solution. Meanwhile one politician points the finger at another for just about every problem we can imagine. There isn’t respectful dialogue anywhere anymore: not on talk shows, not in Congress, not on the internet, not in communities. Everything is so disheartening that we just want to give up, go home, and call it a day. What difference does it even make if we try to change things? No one wants to listen, no one wants to change, no one wants to grow. We’ve given up on ourselves and don’t even see ourselves as worthy of the deep water and the experience of growth.

    But Jesus does. “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”

    Peter was in that place, but Jesus saw more in Peter than Peter did in himself. He saw the one who could be zealous and on fire and make mistakes and accept forgiveness and live to grow and walk on water and witness to the Resurrection, and nourish a fledgling Church. He saw someone who could put out into deep water and catch an amazing haul for the Kingdom of God. Peter was an extremely unlikely leader: he couldn’t even lead his crew to make a catch of fish when it was his life’s work. But Jesus sees the miracle in the unlikely. And so he commands him: “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” And you know what? Peter’s nets get filled beyond capacity; beyond his wildest dreams.

    Jesus sees so much more in us than we see in ourselves. But we have to be willing, as Peter was, to try again, to go deep, and to expect a catch. We have to be willing to learn new things that challenge our preconceived notions. We have to be willing to expose ourselves to good sources of information and faith formation. We have to be willing to listen to others, even if we don’t agree, and expect to learn something from the interaction. We have to be willing to look for what Jesus wants us to catch in every situation, and willing to stay with it, no matter how exasperated we are.

    Let’s pray with this. I invite you now to close your eyes, and make yourselves comfortable. Spend a minute or so quieting your heart and your mind, imagine being on that boat with Jesus… Bring whatever is exasperating in your life into the boat with you. What have you been working at long and hard, without seeing any real results? What is frustrating and affecting your relationships and your own wellness? What is it of which you have caught nothing? … Listen as Jesus commands you to put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch. Where is the deep water in your situation? Where is it that you have been afraid to go? Can you go there and lower the nets, expecting Jesus to make good on his promise? … What is Jesus giving you in this moment to encourage you to stay in the deep water? Can you commit to Jesus that you’ll stay in the deep and continue to lower your nets for a catch? Even if the prayer isn’t answered right away, can you set aside your fear and trust in your Jesus?

    “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”

  • Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

    Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    In our Gospel reading today, Jesus offers the Apostles an opportunity. They had been so busy, they had no opportunity to eat, let alone rest. They had just come from the mission he sent them out on back in Thursday’s Gospel reading. So he invites them on retreat: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” He gives them a chance to recharge, to rest and grow. Meanwhile, Jesus continued the ministry of preaching and teaching.

    I think that opportunity for rest is one that we often neglect in our daily lives. Like the apostles, we have so many things that demand our attention: the demands of family, work, and community. We need that sabbath rest in order to recharge, rest, and grow. If we neglect it long enough, we end up burnt out and bitter, not helpful to our salvation, or the good of those we are trying to serve and live with. So today, we come to be fed by the Eucharist and nourished in prayer; we come to receive the gifts that we need to live our lives and serve those we are meant to serve.

    None of us is meant to do what we are put on earth to do all by ourselves. Our Lord wants to give us what we need. That’s why he told the apostles on Thursday to “take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” If they packed everything they’d ever need, they would be burdened carrying it all, and, they wouldn’t need him. But the only way they really could do what he needed them to do was to rely on him and the gifts he wanted to give them. In today’s reading, they are bubbling with excitement, reporting all they had done and taught. Because they relied on Jesus.

    We too are called to rely on Jesus, and his gifts, and to come away by ourselves and rest in him.

  • Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

    Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    In our Gospel today, we hear about the end of Saint John the Baptist’s life. Herod’s wife, Herodias, held a grudge against John because he opposed their marriage. So she schemed to end his life, as if snuffing out the messenger could ever possibly snuff out the Truth. Saint John the Baptist was one who lived his entire life pointing the way to the Lord. With every fiber of his being, and until his last breath, he gave praise to God.

    Pointing others to the Lord, even at great personal cost, is the role of disciples, which includes you and me. We should always give praise to God and point others to him. At our best, we should be an Assembly of holy people, helping all the world to find our God. Whatever we do, and wherever we are, people should see Jesus in us. In fact, we might be the only Jesus someone sees. Let’s never get in the way of that.

    In the quiet times of Mass and of our day, let’s spend some time thinking about how we might point to Jesus for the people God puts in our path today, and ask God to give us the grace to do it.

  • Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

    Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    In today’s Gospel, we have an awful lot of anguish. First is the anguish of Jairus, the synagogue official, whose daughter was near death when he reached out to Jesus. It becomes more distressing when, on the way to heal his daughter, they are confronted with the anguish of the hemorrhagic woman, who had been suffering for twelve years, at “the hands of many doctors,” who had apparently done nothing for her but take her money. Knowing that he had healed someone, he stopped to reach out to her so as to heal her spirit. All of which becomes even more distressing as they reach Jairus’s daughter, who has just died.

    But Jesus is the enemy of death and anguish, so he heals the hemorrhagic woman, he raises the daughter of Jairus with a word of command, and he teaches us the essential truth that faith is essential to healing. The author of the letter to the Hebrews addresses the anguish of sin, urging us to “rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us.” That anguish can be a particularly overwhelming one to overcome, but the author assures us that we will be successful if we remember to keep “our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.”

    The starting point for us then, as we bring this Word to our daily life, is to name the anguish. In the silence of our hearts, in the quiet places of this Mass and of our day, let’s all agree to make space to address the anguish. Unaddressed anguish merely festers and makes us sick. When we name the anguish, we can bring it to Jesus, who says that we, all of us children of God, are “not dead but asleep” and commands us to rise, and be given something to eat, as we approach the Eucharist today.

    Whatever our anguish is today, let’s name it, bring it to God, and listen to Jesus say to us: “I say to you, arise!”

  • Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

    Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    Faith is that moment in our walk with the Lord when we have to put our money where our mouth is. Faith says that we believe that Jesus is who he says he is, and that who he says he is has a profound impact on our life. It’s easy to have faith when things are going well, isn’t it? When we’re not worried about disease or illness or social unrest or political bickering or job insecurity or family issues or whatever the crisis is, it’s easy to have faith then, right?

    But when things get crazy, well. That’s a whole different thing.

    The writer of the letter to the Hebrews is very right when he says that “faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” Because faith is real when you have to step out of your comfort zone. Abraham literally took a step in faith when he went to a foreign country and believed that, though Sarah was sterile, God would provide descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.

    But most of us would probably fare little better than the apostles in the boat in today’s Gospel reading. The moment a little storm comes along, or even a big one, we forget that God cares about us and we feel as though we are perishing in the middle of the night on the sea.

    So where are you on the faith journey? Are you taking that step into the unknown like Abraham? Or are you freaking out in the storm? If it’s the second thing, maybe today it would help to name the storm, to recognize what it’s doing to you, doing to your faith life. Because the unnamed storms can’t be addressed. When we know what they are, we can bring them to Jesus, who does actually care about us, who does not desire our perishing, and who longs to shout into that storm, “Quiet, be still!”

    If the wind and the sea obey him, so will the storms that are raging in us right now. They really will.

  • Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

    Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    “For he who made the promise is trustworthy.”

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, if these are the only words we take from this holy place today, we’re doing pretty well.  The essence of our faith is based on this rock-solid statement from the writer of Hebrews: “For he who made the promise is trustworthy.”  That’s true, of course, and I think we can all agree with it on the intellectual level.  But people of faith have to go deeper than that; we have to be people whose living is wrapped up in the truth of that statement: “For he who made the promise is trustworthy.”

    If we really believe that, then nothing should ever stop our witness.  We should not be stopped because we think we don’t have the words, or the talents to be a witness for the faith.  That doesn’t stop us because God has promised to give us the words and whatever else we need in those moments, and he is trustworthy.  We should not be stopped because we are afraid of commitment, because God has promised us a life that is better than anything we can imagine if we but take up our cross and follow him.  And he is trustworthy.  None of our objections or insecurities should stop our discipleship, our living for Christ, because God has promised to great things in us.  And he is trustworthy.

    And so we place our lamps on the lampstand, unafraid of the watching world looking to us, because we’re not shining our own light but rather Christ’s.  We encourage each other in faith and good works because we have the promise of our trustworthy God to take us wherever we need to go.

  • Monday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

    Monday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

    Today’s readings

    This is a tough text from the Gospel today. Jesus says that “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness…” A lot of people come to me, worrying about whether or not they have “sinned against the Holy Spirit.” There’s a lot of worry around that, but really it’s pretty hard to sin that way, or at least it is if we live our faith. Now this statement from Jesus seems to be rather incongruous, since he came to be all about forgiveness. That he would withhold it from any sinner is perhaps a little shocking to hear.

    But we have to remember what it is that Jesus was addressing here. The scribes who had come from Jerusalem catch up with Jesus and begin to make trouble for him. They are being obstinate in their unbelief, even to the point of being intellectually dishonest. They know that Satan cannot — would not — cast himself out, but that’s just what they’re accusing Jesus of being and doing. They would rather say foolish things than to believe that Jesus came to cast out sin and forgive sinners and address the fundamental issues of human existence.

    Salvation and forgiveness are a gift, and gifts must be accepted. If one refuses to be forgiven, he or she will never have forgiveness. That is the infamous sin against the Holy Spirit. If one refuses to believe that he or she needs a Savior, then he or she will never come at last to eternity.

    May we always remember how much we need our Savior, and always give thanks for the demons he casts out of us, and others.

  • The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sunday of the Word of God)

    The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sunday of the Word of God)

    Today’s readings

    I want to begin my homily by reminding you of the words we heard in our first reading from Nehemiah:

    He read out of the book from daybreak till midday,
    in the presence of the men, the women,
    and those children old enough to understand;
    and all the people listened attentively to the book of the law.

    Wouldn’t that be fun! When you think Mass is too long, just think about that! We could be going from daybreak to midday!

    Today, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, is now known as the Sunday of the Word of God. So we’re talking about teaching and the Scriptures, which is to remind us that we are all, always and forever, in the “school” of the faith. We don’t ever graduate from that school, until, of course, that great day, when we stand before our Lord to be judged, relying on his mercy and on our relationship with him, which is always a gift. Those who unite themselves to our Lord in faith throughout their lives, those who continue to study the Scriptures and see them fulfilled in our hearing, they have the promise of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

    Saint Jerome underlined this for us. He said that ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ, because for all of us who did not live in the same time as Jesus, we rely on the Scriptures not just to tell us who Christ was, but also to have a relationship with him, remembering that Jesus is always present in the proclamation of the Word of God.

    There are three Scriptural moments in today’s Liturgy of the Word. First, the Word is proclaimed. Second, that Word has an effect on its hearers. Finally, the Word is fulfilled. So first, the Word is proclaimed, and we see that twice. In the first reading, Ezra the priest reads from the scroll from daybreak to midday, in the presence of the men, the women, and those children old enough to understand. It was quite the proclamation, and also included a kind of homily, apparently, since the reading tells us that Ezra provided an interpretation. The second time we see this is in the Gospel reading. Jesus takes the scroll of the law, and finds a particular passage from the prophet Isaiah and proclaims it. He too provides an interpretation, in the form of his very life.

    The second Scriptural moment is the Word’s effect on its hearers. For Ezra, the Word produced a very emotional response. The people bowed down in the presence of the Word, and began to weep. The weeping is presumably because, hearing the Word, they realized how far they were from keeping its commandments. I think we might have that same reaction sometimes, and when it produces repentance, that’s really not a bad thing at all. But Nehemiah instructs them not to weep, and instead to rejoice and celebrate, because the proclamation of the Word on this holy day was an occasion for great joy. In contrast, we don’t get any idea of how the rest of the congregation at the synagogue reacted to Jesus’ proclamation of Isaiah in the Gospel reading, but one would think that it would have been a pretty tame reaction until he announced that he was the fulfillment of the prophecy. We can see that in the verses from the fourth chapter of Luke that follow the reading we have today. In those verses, they begin to question: “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?” and when he continues to convict them for being averse to the Scriptures, they attempt to stone him to death. Obviously a significant difference from the reaction to Ezra’s preaching.

    Finally, the Word is fulfilled. Jesus’ instruction in the Gospel that the words of Isaiah have been fulfilled in the synagogue-goers hearing tells us that Word is never intended to be a static thing. We do not just passively sit through the proclamation of the Word, nod our heads, and move on to the Eucharist. The Word is a living thing and it is intended to have an effect on its hearers. Indeed, the Word is always proclaimed with the intent that it be fulfilled, and that fulfillment began with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In his person, all of the promises of the Old Testament are brought into being, and the real hope of the world begins.

    We continue to celebrate the Word in those three moments. We come now come to this holy place to hear the Word proclaimed, and have it interpreted in the homily. Our Liturgy of the Word, then, goes back to ancient times, and looks much the way Ezra proclaimed the Scriptures. Except, of course, it’s a lot shorter now! We continue to be affected by the Word’s proclamation. We too may be moved to tears as we hear of God’s goodness, and think of the way we have fallen short. We too need to hear Nehemiah proclaim that the preaching of the Word is a time for great joy. Finally, the Word continues to be fulfilled among us. Having sent his Holy Spirit, Jesus continues to be the fulfillment of Scripture, every time someone hears the Word and acts on it.

    I want to try a bit of an object lesson. Jesus, quoting from Isaiah, said that the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. That is true too for all of us who have been Baptized and Confirmed, because we receive the Holy Spirit in both Sacraments. So I would ask all of you to close your eyes for a minute and listen to these words from Isaiah spoken not just to Jesus, but also to all of us, and to you specifically:

    The Spirit of the Lord is upon you,
    because he has anointed you
    to bring glad tidings to the poor.
    He has sent you to proclaim liberty to captives
    and recovery of sight to the blind,
    to let the oppressed go free,
    and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.

    You may find yourself ill-equipped to break people out of prison. But I know that you know at least one person who is in some kind of prison. Maybe they are imprisoned by illness or old age. Maybe they are imprisoned by fear of acting to better their lives. These people need you to journey with them and be present to them, thereby setting those captives free. You may not be too sure about how you can proclaim recovery of sight to the blind. Maybe you don’t even know anyone who is physically blind. But you probably know somebody who is blind to the fact that they are in an unhealthy or abusive relationship. Or maybe you know somebody who is blind to the fact that they are suffering from an addiction of some sort. Maybe you know somebody who is blind to the fact that someone they are close to needs them in a special way. You may even know somebody who is blind to the fact that they are a beautiful, gifted, and beloved son or daughter of God. You can be present to these who are blind and to gently but firmly accompany them to recovery of sight. Finally, you probably have no idea how to let the oppressed go free. But you may have an hour or two to serve a hot meal to those oppressed by homelessness at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. You may be able to spend some time occasionally with those who are oppressed by not knowing how to read. By giving of yourself, you can let these oppressed go free.

    We have been anointed with the Holy Spirit in order to bring glad tidings to the poor. By acting selflessly, we can turn things around in our own little corner of the world. By hearing and acting on the Word, we can proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. May the Words of this Holy Book be fulfilled today – and every day – in our hearing.