For the Beauty of the Earth
For the Beauty of the Earth, arr. John Rutter
“For the love of Christ impels us…” (2 Cor. 5:14) |
For the Beauty of the Earth, arr. John Rutter
Today’s readings Well, the story we started to hear in yesterday’s first reading about Israel has festered a bit. You may remember yesterday that king Antiochus Epiphanes began to lead the people to follow the ways of the Gentiles: covering … Continued
Today’s readings Terrible affliction was upon Israel. That’s what we’re told in today’s first reading. Why? Well, because they forgot they had a God who could take care of them. Because they were afflicted by the foreign occupation, they thought … Continued
Today’s readings Have you ever felt like the world was coming to an end? Because that’s just exactly how the original readers of Luke’s Gospel felt. The glorious Temple of Jerusalem, once stately and glimmering white and gold in the … Continued
Today’s readings Have you ever thought how depressing life would be if this is all there was? Do you know people who would say that they believe there is nothing else after this life? Do you feel sorry for them? … Continued
Today’s readings Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways! How often would we like to figure out what’s going on in God’s mind? Wouldn’t it … Continued
Readings: Wisdom 3:1-9 | Revelation 21:1-7 | Matthew 25:31-40 When I celebrated this Liturgy last year, the homily I gave was pretty straightforward. It was theologically accurate and liturgically sound. This year, the experience is a little different for me, … Continued
Today’s readings The thing is, you know, the Pharisee was quite right. His righteousness was beyond reproach. He has been innocent of greed, dishonesty and adultery. He has been more pious than even the law requires. Fasting was only required … Continued
“All Creatures of Our God and King is one of my very favorite Catholic hymns. The tune is Lasst Uns Erfreuen, and it is also the tune for “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones” (which is timely, with All Saints … Continued
Today’s readings Sin is exhausting. Anyone who has struggled with sin, or a pattern of sin, in their lives can tell you that. Those who have been dragged down by any kind of addiction or who have tried to work … Continued
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