Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent / Saint Patrick

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Today’s readings I used to be upset that Saint Patrick’s Day always happened during Lent.  I’d have to postpone the celebration of my favorite saint until Sunday, especially if it fell on a Friday, because we just didn’t have corned … Continued

Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist

Today’s readings “He saw and believed.” The “other” disciple, often called the “beloved” disciple or the disciple “whom Jesus loved,” is Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, the one we celebrate today. Saint John had a very special relationship with … Continued

St. Isaac Jogues, St. John de Brébeuf & Companions, Martyrs

posted in: Homilies, Saints | 0

St. Isaac and St. John were among eight missionaries who worked among the Huron and Iroquois Indians in the New World in the seventeenth century. They were devoted to their work and were accomplishing many conversions. The conversions, though, were … Continued