40 Hours: Thursday Evening Solemn Vespers
Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a So I’m now in my early forties and when I was growing up, like a lot of people my age, I think, Eucharistic adoration wasn’t something that I encountered. In those days shortly after the Second … Continued
Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Today’s readings Sometimes it’s hard for things to get through to us, isn’t it? One of my friends in seminary used to say that the Israelites had a pillar of cloud leading them by day, and a pillar of fire … Continued
Opening Mass for Forty Hours Devotion
Readings: Exodus 12:21-27 | 1 Peter 1:17-21 | Mark 14:12-16,22-26 Brothers and sisters in Christ, it is truly an awesome privilege to be here tonight as we begin this Forty Hours Devotion. We are a people blessed and graced by … Continued
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Today’s readings Today’s readings remind us that our God is not forgetful. He is not one of the gods of false religion who supposedly made the world and set it in motion, then backed off and watched things unfold. No, … Continued
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Today’s reading The waters that flowed from the temple in the first reading are the same waters that were stirred up in the pool at Bethesda, and those are the same waters that if you’re real quiet, you can hear … Continued
Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary
Today’s readings Today I think we have to be impressed with the faithfulness of Joseph. When he became betrothed to Mary, he got more than he could ever have expected. It certainly would have been easy to divorce her quietly … Continued
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Laetare Sunday
Today I preached two homilies. One was for the regular Mass of the day, the Cycle C readings, including the Parable of the Prodigal Father. The other was for the Mass of the second scrutiny of the Elect, the Cycle … Continued
Saturday of the Third Week of Lent: St. Patrick
Today’s readings | Today’s saint Today’s readings are the ultimate words that remind us that it’s not about us. As Fr. Fragomeni pointed out this past Monday at our Lenten Mission, we have to give up the baggage of thinking … Continued
Friday of the Third Week of Lent
Today’s readings “You are not far from the Kingdom of God!” I had a teacher in seminary who used to say that to people whenever they had a really insightful comment or answer in class. And it is that insight … Continued
Thursday of the Third Week of Lent
Today’s readings How many times have you told someone in your life how to do something, and they chose another way, and you wanted more than anything to say “I told you so!”? Maybe you’ve even gone so far as … Continued
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