Second Sunday of Lent
Today’s readings “Seeing is believing,” or so they say. It’s not an entirely accurate saying, either. The real definition of faith, as St. Paul reminds us in his writings, is that faith is believing in spite of the fact that … Continued
Saturday of the First Week of Lent
Today's readings Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. That line sounds like such an outrageous goal that it would be easy to write it off and pretend it's not part of Scripture. But we know that's not … Continued
Friday of the First Week of Lent
Today’s Readings It would be so much easier if we could define our own righteousness. If we could choose who to reach out to and who to ignore, life would be good, wouldn’t it? If we could hold grudges against … Continued
Thursday of the First Week of Lent
Today’s readings If we take one thought out of Lent this year, it should be this: we need a Savior. Even before Jesus’ time, Esther knew this. Esther’s adoptive father Mordecai was a deeply religious man. His devotion incurred the … Continued
Wednesday of the First Week of Lent
Today's readings This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah. In all fairness, I think it should be noted that even though Jonah was a sign … Continued
Tuesday of the First Week of Lent
Today's readings Ancient sources say that we are to pray the Lord's prayer at least seven times daily. Why? Because the Lord's prayer in all its wonderful simplicity reminds us that God is God and we are not. To those … Continued
Monday of the First Week of Lent
Today's readings Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me. Today's readings represent what I think is the scariest instruction we have in the Gospel. And that is … Continued
First Sunday of Lent: Remember and Proclaim
Today’s readings Back in May, I was starting to pack up the vast array of stuff that had accumulated in my room during the five years I lived at Mundelein Seminary. I was sorting through files, books, clothes, belongings, the … Continued
Friday after Ash Wednesday
Today’s Readings In Hebrew, the word for “righteousness” is tseh’-dek, which has the connotation of right relationship. Indeed, it was the whole idea of right relationship that was preached continuously by the prophets. That right relationship was one that should … Continued
Chair of St. Peter, Apostle (Feast)
Today’s readings | Today’s feast Every Christian disciple ought to love St. Peter, a man who was zealous with his faith and his words, even if his words and actions seemed to lag a bit behind. One of the most … Continued
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