Friday of the 21st Week of Ordinary Time
Today's readings Today, again, we continue our look at what the Christian disciple looks like. Today's readings give us two more good descriptions. In the first reading, the Christian disciple is foolish! Or, at least, the disciple is foolish in … Continued
Thursday of the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today’s readings Yesterday, I told you about how one of my seminary professors used to tell us that the “Christian disciple looks like something.” In the first reading yesterday, we found that the Christian disciple is not disorderly and lazy, … Continued
Wednesday of the 21st Week of Ordinary Time
Today’s readings Today’s readings talk all about authenticity. As one of my professors used to say, “discipleship looks like something.” People ought to be able to look at the Christian person and know that they are in the presence of … Continued
The 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time: Decide Today whom You will Serve
Today’s readings Canon law requires a retreat before a man is ordained as a deacon or a priest, so about this time last year, I made my diaconate retreat up at Bellarmine Retreat House in Barrington. It was one of … Continued
Saturday of the 20th Week of Ordinary Time
Today’s readings Today, Jesus has yet another altercation with the Scribes and Pharisees, groups of religious Jews who were very scrupulous in their study and observance of the Torah, or Law. They went to great lengths to be sure that … Continued
St. Bartholomew, Apostle
Today's readings | St. Bartholomew Will the real St. Bartholomew please stand up? Bartholomew is one of the saints that we know almost nothing about. He is mentioned in the lists of the apostles, but nowhere else in Scripture. So, … Continued
The Queenship of Mary
The Queenship of Mary On this, the octave day of the Assumption of Mary, we celebrate another great Marian feast, that of the Queenship of Mary. The Queenship of Mary has been celebrated ever since Pope Pius XII instituted this … Continued
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time: The Rich Table of the Lord
Today's readings For my flesh is true food,and my blood is true drink.Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my bloodremains in me and I in him. Today we continue the preaching of John's "Bread of Life Discourse" and it may … Continued
Saturday of the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time: A renewed and contrite spirit
Today’s readings This morning, the readings talk about getting it right. They speak of justice and faithfulness and right relationship. All of us who are called to discipleship, which is to say all of us, are called to get this … Continued
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Today’s readings The tradition of the Assumption of Mary dates back to the very earliest days of the Church, all the way back to the days of the apostles. It was known that Mary had “fallen asleep” and that there … Continued
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