The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Tonight’s readings We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection, through whom we are saved and delivered. We have come to the pinnacle of our vigil, this mother of … Continued

The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day)

posted in: All Souls, Homilies | 0

Gospel reading: Romans 8:31-39 I remember a trip I took a few years ago, not long after my dad died.  I packed up early on Sunday and was out of the house by 6am, and took a 3 hour and … Continued

Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings We just finished hearing about the challenges and ministry of Jonah this past week.  Jonah, called to preach repentance to the Ninevites, finds that he would rather not, and so attempts to get away from God.  That, of … Continued