Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings There’s certainly a flurry of activity in today’s readings, isn’t there?  Especially in the Gospel, we see Mary Magdalene run from the empty tomb to get the Apostles.  And then Peter and the “disciple whom Jesus loved” ran … Continued

The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings The Paschal Triduum, as you may know, is a long, three-day liturgy that begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, continues with the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, and concludes tonight, … Continued

The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Scrutiny III/Cycle A Readings)

posted in: Homilies, Lent, RCIA | 0

Today’s readings “Lord, by now there will be a stench.” That’s one of my favorite lines in scripture.  It begs the question I want you to pray about this week, which is this: “What in your life really stinks?”  Because … Continued

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings There’s certainly a flurry of activity in today’s readings, isn’t there?  Especially in the Gospel, we see Mary Magdalene run from the empty tomb to get the Apostles.  And then Peter and the “disciple whom Jesus loved” ran … Continued

Tuesday of Holy Week

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings Today’s Gospel reading always leaves me with a chill running down my spine.  Those four words: “And it was night” grab me every time.  These are the words that come just after Judas takes the morsel and leaves the gathering.  But … Continued