The Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings In ancient days, a diagnosis of leprosy was a death sentence.  And that’s not just because they didn’t know how to treat the disease.  They didn’t – but what was really horrible is the way the lepers were … Continued

The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Cycle C Readings)

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Today’s readings Back in the sixth century before the birth of Christ, the Israelites were in a bad way.  They had been separated from their God by sin: against God’s commands, they had betrayed their covenant with the Lord and made … Continued

The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Cycle C Readings)

Today’s readings At the heart of it, Lent is about two things.  First, it’s about baptism.  That’s what the participants in our RCIA program are reflecting on these days, and eleven of them are preparing to be baptized at our Easter Vigil … Continued

The Fifth Sunday of Lent

Today’s readings Back in the sixth century before the birth of Christ, the Israelites were in a bad way.  They had been separated from their God by sin: against God’s commands, they had betrayed their covenant with the Lord and … Continued

The Second Sunday of Lent [C]

posted in: Homilies, Lent | 0

Today’s readings One of the best Lenten reminders that I can think of comes in today’s second reading.  Here, Saint Paul tells the Philippians that “our citizenship is in heaven.”  We know how true this is.  We may have made … Continued

The Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time [B]

Today’s readings In ancient days, a diagnosis of leprosy was a death sentence.  And that’s not just because they didn’t know how to treat the disease.  They didn’t, but what was really horrible is the way the lepers were treated.  … Continued

Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings One of the graces that I have here at the parish is that whenever I go to parish meetings, we always pray through the Gospel for the coming Sunday and discuss it. The Spirit works through the community, … Continued

Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today's readings Sometimes, as St. Paul reminds the Romans today, we do not know how to pray as we ought.  In fact, learning how to pray as we ought is a discipline that takes a lifetime to perfect.  The saints … Continued