Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Today’s readings [display_podcast]

The covenant faithfulness of the Lord is a wonderful topic for Mass during our Forty Hours Devotion. One of the fruits of Eucharistic Adoration is that we can come before our Lord, with all of our problems or doubts or concerns, and know that in the Eucharist, God is always present to us in an immanent and real way. The God of the all the world, the One who created the heavens, the One who is over and above all things, this God humbles himself and comes to us in the Eucharist. All we have to do is spend some time before him, to look up at the monstrance, and we will realize that his covenant promise to be with us always has been fulfilled.

The covenant God made with Abraham was just the beginning. Abraham was promised that he would have many descendants and would be the father of many nations. And God kept that covenant, and went one better. Or maybe a million better. That covenant was superseded by the covenant God made with his creatures in the person of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we have forgiveness of sins and the promise of life everlasting. In Christ, the Church becomes not merely the parent of many descendents here on earth, but the parent of all descendents in the heavenly kingdom.

Many think of Jesus as the new Covenant, but as he points out to us today, “before Abraham came to be, I AM.” The Covenant that came about in Christ is the covenant God had in mind all along. Blessed are we who can adore the covenant faithfulness of our God.