Thursday of the Seventeenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings The Israelites wandering in the desert would seem to have had the spiritual life easy. How could they possibly miss God’s presence? There was a cloud to lead them to the Lord by day, and fire by night. … Continued

Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Today’s readings The Bread of Life Discourse: an outline Bishop Kaffer used to say that every celebration of the Eucharist was a greater creative act than the creation of the universe.  Now I think greater theological minds than mine would … Continued

Friday of the Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Maybe you remember memorizing the Ten Commandments as a child.  I do.  I sometimes think that memorizing things is a lost art.  Certainly memorizing things like the Ten Commandments doesn’t happen as much as it used to, and … Continued

Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings A perfectly respectable reading of the whole Exodus story is the allegorical one.  In this reading, the Egyptian army, its chariots and charioteers and even its horses, symbolize the forces of evil and sin.  God loved the Israelites, … Continued