Healing is a wonderful thing, and it is perhaps the greatest consolation we receive as believers in Christ. But healing isn’t just for us. Just as Simon’s mother-in-law got up from her fever, having been healed by the Lord, and began waiting on people, so we too are called to get up and go on. When we have been healed, whether it is physically or spiritually, we are called to move on and continue to give witness to the Gospel. We don’t get to rest in the moment, because the moment was never just for us. Particularly with spiritual healing, those who have been forgiven through the Sacrament of Penance must then get on with their work as disciples. The evil one would try to convince us that we are not worthy of the mission, but the only one whose opinion counts is Christ, and his intent is that having been forgiven and healed, we need to get back up and begin again in our work as disciples, whatever that work may be.
Wednesday of the Twenty-second Week of Ordinary Time