Wednesday of the Twenty-third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings

Luke’s version of the beatitudes speaks very clearly about freedom from addiction.  When we are addicted to what is not Christ, we are so filled up that there is no room for God.  So the ones who are poor and hungry and weeping and excluded are blessed, they are happy, while the ones who are rich, filled up, laughing and exalted are doomed to woe.  When we are in want, we are in a state of being dependent on God and his love for us.  When we feel like we’ve taken care of all our needs on our own, we don’t need God, or so we think.  But the ones who are really blessed, the ones who can rejoice and be glad, are the ones who are in want, because in their want, they can be filled up with their God.  Blessed are those who are not addicted to the world’s goods, but instead are totally dependent on their God.