Saturday of the Twenty-third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I command?”

Those words have to be among those that cut deepest in scripture.  Because we are all comfortable coming to Mass and calling on the Lord, aren’t we?  We are very wont to call on the Lord for help in time of need.  We are willing to turn to him when things are rough, or at least blame the Lord when things are rough.  But are we willing to do what the Lord commands?

Maybe if we did, we would see him at our side in rough times.  Maybe if we did, we wouldn’t have that pang of guilt that we experienced when this Gospel was read.

Because following what the Lord commands helps us to build our house on the rock foundation of God’s grace.  Built on that rock foundation, the house of our spiritual lives doesn’t topple when times are rough.  The storms never batter that house so badly that we can’t hear the Lord’s voice of peace.

Today’s Liturgy of the Word calls us all to make a good examination of conscience, to listen to our Lord calling us and commanding us, and then to act on those words.