Thursday of the Sixth Week of Ordinary Time

Today's readings [display_podcast] Sometimes, it seems, we think that God is too big to deal with our paltry little problems.  In thinking that way, though, we make God out to be quite a bit smaller than he really is.  We … Continued

The Solemnity of Pentecost

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today's readings [display_podcast] In a few moments we will stand together and pray these beautiful words: We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and … Continued

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today's readings [display_podcast]   Can you imagine what was going through the disicples’ minds as they stood there watching the Ascension of the Lord?  Think about all that they’ve been through.  Three years following this Jesus whose words were compelling … Continued

Sixth Sunday of Easter

posted in: Easter, Homilies | 0

Today's readings [display_podcast] As we have gathered these last several weeks to continue our celebration of Easter, maybe you noticed that we have always had a reading from the Acts of the Apostles as our first reading.  In these readings, … Continued