Mass for the Healing of the Church

Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34 | Psalm 130 | 2 Corinthians 5:17 – 6:2 | Matthew 5:1-12a Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. I think a lot of us could use some comforting in these days.  The news … Continued

The Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Jesus’ ministry on earth was all about healing.  In today’s gospel, he heals a man who has been deaf and mute with the word of command: “Ephphatha!” – “Be opened!”  I have talked about this kind of thing before.  The … Continued

The Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time – Bread of Life Discourse V: So What?

Today’s readings “So what?”  That’s perhaps the most important question of the spiritual life.  Maybe it’s even the most important question of life, period.  Because after we have all taken time to absorb the information around us, after we have … Continued