Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time: The Meaning of Suffering My homily today was shortened a bit from the original. We had a letter to read from the bishop. So this is the homily as I actually preached it: Today’s Gospel once again shows Jesus curing people and casting … Continued

St. John Bosco, Pray for Us

Today I’m preaching at the seminary. Talk about a rough crowd; definitely the most critical of audiences. I’m preaching on the feast of St. John Bosco and here’s what I’ll say… Readings: Phil. 4:4-9 Matt. 18:1-5 St. John Bosco Biography … Continued

Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time: Quiet! Come Out of Him! This is my homily for this Sunday. In paragraph three, the regular reader might notice a similar thought from a homily two weeks ago. But I was preaching to a different congregation that week, so I’m not doing reruns … Continued

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time: Repent and Belive in the Gospel Here’s my homily for this evening and tomorrow. This is my first weekend at the parish I’ve been assigned to as a deacon: St. John the Baptist in Winfield. I’m excited about beginning there, and I hope I have … Continued

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time: Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening 1/21/06: Once again, it’s been tooooo long since I’ve posted, so I’m posting this one a bit late, and it’s the homily I preached on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 14-15. It reflects on the readings for the Second Sunday … Continued

Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time I should begin with at least an acknowledgement that this reflection is late. That had something to do with getting ordained to the diaconate on Friday, preaching on Saturday, and baptizing my niece on Sunday. More on all of … Continued

Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted. The idea of servant leadership is a hot topic for me these days. As I and my friends … Continued