Friday of the Twenty-ninth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings In our overly-litigious society, Jesus’ words that we are to make an effort to settle the matter on the way are a good call to refocus.  This call shifts the emphasis from winning to healing, and it calls … Continued

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Today’s readings In a lot of ways, this is a strange feast we are celebrating today. Think about it. This is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, which in Jesus’ day would have been as big an oxymoron as one … Continued

Thursday of the Twelfth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Some people say all you need to do is make a one-time decision to accept Jesus as your personal Savior and you’re saved.   If salvation were something magical that came about as the result of just saying a … Continued

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Mass During the Day

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Today’s readings There’s certainly a flurry of activity in today’s readings, isn’t there?  Especially in the Gospel, we see Mary Magdalene run from the empty tomb to get the Apostles.  And then Peter and the “disciple whom Jesus loved” ran … Continued

Monday of the Third Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings This is a tough text from the Gospel today.  Jesus says that “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness…”  This seems to be an incongruous statement from Jesus, who came to be all about forgiveness.  … Continued

The Nativity of the Lord: Mass During the Night and Mass During the Day

Sometimes I wrestle with the question of what is the greatest feast of the Church year.  Easter comes to mind, and probably Good Friday, because it is through the events those feasts commemorate that we were saved from our sins … Continued