Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Today’s Gospel underlines the failure of the Jewish leaders of the time.  Jesus was casting out demons from many people, which was what they were supposed to do but could not.  So instead of checking what was lacking … Continued

The Fourth Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)

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Today’s readings Today’s Gospel reading speaks of Jesus, the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep, and whose sheep know him.  However, I have two problems with that.  First, who wants to be compared to sheep?  Sheep are not the brightest … Continued

Fourth Sunday of Easter: Following the Good Shepherd

Today's readings [display_podcast] Every year on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday.”  And every year on this Sunday, I protest inwardly about how awful it is to be compared to sheep!  I think a lot of … Continued