The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

posted in: Christmas, Homilies | 0

Today’s readings “Everyone is upset about this.” “Everyone agrees with this.” “Everyone says we should do it this way.” If you’re in any position of leadership, you have probably heard someone tell you something like this. Anytime I hear it, … Continued

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious

Today’s readings Mother Seton is a major figure of the Catholic Church in the United States.  Her accomplishments contributed greatly to the growth of Catholicism in this country.  She founded the first American religious community for women, the Sisters of … Continued

The Nativity of the Lord – Mass During the Night

posted in: Christmas, Homilies | 0

Tonight’s readings It’s all about the zeal of the Lord of Hosts! Because when you think about it, God doesn’t have to care about our welfare or our salvation.  He’s God, he’s not in need of anyone or anything, because … Continued